
Gift Certificate

Buy a gift voucher of any amount to send as a gift. The voucher can be used to book jumps of our website.

How this will work:

  1. You will buy the “Gift Certificate” and choose the amount you would like to give.
  2. Click add to basket.
  3. Click view basket.
  4. Choose proceed to checkout
  5. On the checkout page you can choose to send the voucher to yourself or directly to the person you would like to receive it. The voucher will be sent via email and you can also enter a personalized message for the person.
  6. You or the receiver will receive a coupon code via email and also your coupon will show in your account if you are logged in.
  7. You can then book jumps online by selecting your preferred date. You will not need to pay for each jump, just use your coupon code to pay for your booking. You can either enter the coupon code or if you are logged in click on your coupon to use it.
  8. Each time you use your coupon it will deduct the jump amount from your coupon. The next time you book you will use the same coupon until you have used up your credits.
  9. Jump Street will receive your booking which will show that you have used your coupon to pay.
  10. At any time you can log into your account online to see how much credit you have available. When you are booking your jump and are logged in it will also show the remaining credits on your coupon on the checkout page.

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